The Department of Cinema and Television Arts at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) offers a comprehensive curriculum and active learning environment to prepare students for meaningful careers in film and television. The Bachelor of Arts degree includes a variety of courses in critical studies, management, production, and writing that examine many aspects of film and television. Professionally engaged faculty challenge students to expand their knowledge and skills through intellectual inquiry and creative projects, encouraging them to become critical lifelong learners and ethical media content creators and consumers.
The Master of Fine Arts degree is an intensive, two-year program focusing on writing for film, television, and other narrative media.The program’s focus prepares students for work as professional screenwriters and/or screenwriting educators.
With support from the Golden Globe Foundation, undergraduate film students participate in hands-on film opportunities that connect them to industry mentors and real-world filmmaking. Students also have the opportunity to receive GGF-funded scholarships to assist with educational expenses. Through essential hands-on student production opportunities, scholarships, and mentorship experiences, the Golden Globe Foundation provides a voice for diverse future filmmakers and television professionals.