Thanks to the Golden Globe Foundation’s prior grant to IndieCollect, our archive and restoration teams have worked wonders before and after the winter break. We are so proud to announce three new restoration premieres in February — BITTER CANE in New York City on Feb 24 & 26, and Glen Pitre’s two Cajun-language films in New Orleans on February 24 & 25.
2024 Restoration World Premiere New York!
(1983, 75 min)
by Ben Dupuy & Kim Ives and the Haiti Film Collective
Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10003
Restored with support from the Golden Globe Foundation
After BITTER CANE was filmed in Haiti – clandestinely during the regime of Jean-Claude Duvalier – the director was identified as “Jacques Arcelin.” That was a fictitious name used to protect the identify of the filmmakers. Now we can finally reveal their real names. The film was co-directed by Haitian activist Ben Dupuy and his American comrade Kim Ives. They were part of a collective of Haitian and American filmmakers called Haiti Film. Sadly, Ben Dupuy died in April 2023, but other members of the group will speak, including Kim Ives and DeeDee Halleck.